
Physiotherapist working on patient neck


Once we’ve made a diagnosis based on our thorough assessment, we’ll use a wide range of evidence-based physiotherapy techniques to optimise your recovery.

Techniques used will vary, but may include home/gym-based rehabilitation, postural education, joint and/or soft tissue mobilisation, dry needling and other approaches.

Private health rebates are available.

Woman using physiotherapy pulley across chest

Worker’s Compensation

Assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of worker’s compensation claims including liaising with insurers and key stakeholders. We have a strong focus on active rehabilitation and job specific task training where able.

We also provide progress reports and treatment management plans aiming to progress your working capacity as required.

Close up of two hands high fiving


Having identified your goals, we will create an action plan to work towards them. We can provide a mobile service for NDIS clients.

Currently we only provide services to self-managed and plan-managed NDIS clients.

woman squating to lift medicine ball

Pre Employment

We conduct pre-employment Spirometry, Standard Audiometry, Drug & Alcohol Screening (please enquire), Musculoskeletal, and Functional assessments.

We can use our own template, or we can complete your company specific template.

Please contact us for more information and pricing.